Instead of using a traditional tattoo gun, microblading requires the use of a small tool with teeny, tiny needles. These needles are used to manually draw delicate hair strokes while also depositing pigment under your skin. The result? Realistic-looking brow hairs that don’t wash off.
Is microblading a tattoo? Yes, but microblading is a form of semi-permanent tattoo because the hair-like strokes aren’t as deeply ingrained into the skin (compared to, say, hair-like strokes created by a tattoo gun). The pigment used in microblading is also different from what you’d get with a tattoo, because your body eventually ends up metabolising it and it fades away. Plus, the dye particles are less concentrated in microblading ink, which gives your brows a softer, more realistic look.
•Fill in any space gaps in the brow area.
•You can wake up with perfect looking brows without doing anything.
•Your brows will look beautiful at all times without the need for make-up.
•Your brows will look naturally groomed at all times.
•Just a simple tint and wax treatment can boost your brows making them look as good as new!
We can create the appearance of naturally full brows on any skin tone with any shade range. Also, if you've lost your brows due to alopecia, you’re still a candidate for microblading. We create a custom colour using several shades that match your hair colour, so your brows will look multidimensional and real.
We recommend that you arrive at the salon 20 minutes prior to your appointment, so that we can apply numbing cream to the area. firstly we will chat and perform a consultation with you. The colour of your brows should be carefully chosen with a consideration of your personal preferences and the best match for your skin and hair colour. We also will design and shape your brows by mapping them and working with your hair direction and face shape. Once the numbing cream has taken effect, the colour is decided and we are mapped out, we are ready to start. Small hair strokes are bladed within your natural hairs with the pigment and blading tool. We work through one brow at a time. Once hairs are in place on the brow we wash over with pigment and move on to the other brow. We repeat these stages up to 3 times to ensure the brows are perfect. We then apply linesure, a product that helps draw the pigment down to give better, longer-lasting results. The treatment is finished by applying vitamin a & d to nourish and protect the brows. Aftercare is then given, along with a sachet of vitamin a & d to use at home. We will then ask you to return to the salon in 4 weeks for us to check your brows. We recommend that you have a tint and wax treatment to see the full results of your treatment and then we can decide if a top up is required. The microbladng procedure is relatively quick and painless; however, some discomfort may be felt during the application which may feel like scratching. It should take about an hour and half to have your perfect brows done. To make sure it is safe, the treatment is performed in a 100% sterilised environment and only disposable materials should be used. Although the procedure is not considered especially invasive to the skin, there are some possible risks and side effects that may occur if aftercare procedures aren't followed. Immediately after the treatment is done you can experience tenderness, dryness, itching, or swelling of your brows. The colour of your brows will be a bit darker until fully healed in about 4 weeks.
The initial healing time can take up to 4 weeks. The following is recommended to assure good aftercare: do not touch your brows for up to 48 hours.
Do not itch, pick, rub, or scratch your brows. Minimise the risk of getting the area wet for up to 7 days.
No exposure to extreme heat or cold such as a sauna or sunbathing for 10 days. Do not use any makeup products vaseline included on the area for 4 weeks. Use your vitamin a & d sachet each evening to help heal the brows. Use gentle face cleaners.
Depending on your skin type, microblading will last you anywhere from 1-3 years (oiler skin types tend to fade the fastest). We advise clients should come back after 4 weeks for a brow tint and wax and to check-in to make sure they’re happy with the end result or if they require a top up. After those first four weeks, you typically won’t need a touch-up for 12 months.